No poem this week, but a bunch of lessons,
1. The sun will always rise. . . When you are caught up in situations of instability, and you can’t seem to latch on, focus on the one sure thing. . . So long as you are still alive, . . . the sun will rise.
2. Find the stillness within yourself,
when the noise outside is too loud. . . listen selectively. . . even to the voice in your own head, that voice can also lie to us, it is not always factual, sometimes it listens to our distorted emotions. Filter all the noise, because as we grow older, voices that attempt to influence us grow as well, it will get noisy, we need to be selective, to focus on the voice that encourages us to be better, to add value,. . . then let the rest go.
3. Learn not to rely too much on peoples’ sense of justice and/or goodness, rather try and instead focus on what we can do at any one time. Focus on doing better, then it won’t matter how loud our surroundings are.
Remember that you cannot entirely fault people and fault yourself, most humans can only relate to other humans to the extent of their own experiences. The views of most will likely be one spectrum, extending to ourselves and the range of our experiences.
4. Find your Centre, that one place where you can be yourself, that shield when things are confusing or difficult. . . because they will get difficult at some point.
-My Centre has always been my faith, my belief in God, and the relationship we are both working on. This Centre is my shield, my help, my love. . . I trust my Centre when I can trust nothing else, even when I betray myself and do things that hurt other people, when I need forgiveness and the strength to bounce back.
It is this Centre I hold on to.
4. I guess lastly would be forgiveness, it’s a bit paradoxical this one (shaking my head) but forgiveness is the fruit of life (hands raised emoji).
Forgiveness is protection from a negative or/and toxic environment. It’s not really about letting someone get away with it, in so much as it is about not letting people pull you into their own darkness. Forgiveness clears your own mind, allowing you to objectively analyze a situation, place responsibility on the right parties, account for your own conduct and swiftly move on, be it towards self improvement or away from toxicity.
Hope Nyambura.